Beluga Management Workshop

September 15, 2017

The Nunavik Marine Region Wildlife Board as the main instrument of wildlife management in the Nunavik Marine Region and as the main regulator of access to wildlife has decided to establish a total allowable take (TAT) for beluga within the NMR in accordance with section 5.2.3 (a) and 5.2.10 of the NILCA. This decision is supported by ecological evidence from science, the knowledge of Nunavik Inuit, as well as social, cultural and economic factors, much of which is drawn from the NMRWB’s consultation with Nunavik communities and the Local Nunavimmi Umajulirijiit Katujjiqatigiinningit (LNUKs) .


The NMRWB produced an animation explaining the 2014-2017 beluga management system and in preparation for the next 3-year management system:

Crédit Alex Chocron