April 29, 2019


Joint Written Public Hearing – Northern and Striped Shrimps

The NMRWB and NWMB is launching a joint written public hearing to inform their decision making process regarding Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s proposal on shrimps. The proposal is seeking recommendations and decisions on the 2019/2020 total allowable catch (TAC) levels for Northern and Striped Shrimps in the Eastern and Western Assessment Zones. DFO’s proposal also requests decisions and recommendations on the sharing arrangement of shrimps between management units in the Nunavik Marine Region and the Nunavut Settlement Area.

The official NWMB & NMRWB notice of hearing can be found below, as well as relevant documents. Additional information can be find on the NWMB website.

Submissions are accepted until 5pm on May 15th, 2019.

Notice of hearing & documents

Submissions may be sent electronically or by fax to the following coordinates:

Nunavik Marine Region Wildlife Board
[email protected]
P.O. Box 433, Inukjuak (QC) J0M 1M0
Phone: (819) 254-8667
Fax: (819) 254-8816

Contact us if you have any questions!

Send your submission by 5pm on May 15th, 2019
